Pakistan Study Centers

Confucius Institute in Pakistan

Advisory for Students

Embassy College
Embassy of Pakistan Newsletter
News & Events

Prime Minister Imran Khan concluded his second day of meetings with business leaders of mega China’s top st ...Read More>>

1 H E Mr Imran Khan, Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan was invited by the Chinese leadership ...Read More>>

Prime MinisterImranKhanheldwide-rangingtalks withH E Mr Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’ ...Read More>>

Prime Minister Imran Khan held a series of meetings with leaders of China’s leading state-owned and private ...Read More>>

The Prime Minister held a virtual meeting with Mr He Lifeng, Chairman of China’s National Development and ...Read More>>

During the session, Prime Minister emphasized the importance of Pakistan-China relationship and ensuring regional st ...Read More>>

As a part of Embassy’s endeavours to promote collaboration between Pakistan and China in the areas of film ...Read More>>

A seminar on infrastructure planning and development in Pakistan organised by National Development and Reform Commi ...Read More>>

Today marks the completion of 73 years since the United Nations committed that the Jammu and Kashmir Dispute wou ...Read More>>

While observing 5th of January as Right to Self-Determination Day for the Kashmiris we reiterate our commitment t ...Read More>>

On 5 January 1949, United Nations Commission on India and Pakistan (UNCIP) adopted a resolution, guaranteeing a f ...Read More>>

A ceremony was held today at the Embassy of Pakistan to launch volume-II of ‘You and Us’, compiled b ...Read More>>

As part of 70th anniversary celebrations of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China, ...Read More>>