Pakistani Food Extravaganza Held in Beijing - Press Releases - Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Beijing

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Pakistani Food Extravaganza Held in Beijing

January 17,2018

A Pakistani Food Extravaganza has been organized in Beijing by the Embassy of Pakistan from 17-23 January, 2018. The opening ceremony of the festival was held at a local Hotel on 17th January, 2018.
Prof Huang Jiefu, Member of China People’s Political Consultative Committee, Deng Xi Jun, China’s Special Envoy on Afghanistan and Ambassador (Retd) Sha Zukang, President of China-Pakistan Friendship Association were amongst the guests of honour on the occasion.
Welcoming the guests, Ambassador Masood Khalid highlighted the importance of people to people connectivity and cultural bonds.
He termed this food festival as a catalyst for further enhancing the cultural cooperation between the two countries. He said that this is a great opportunity to experience Pakistani food with its trademark aroma and spices. Ambassador thanked the Chinese government for providing support to this festival.
Two Masterchefs from Serena Hotel are the architects of this food extravaganza while eminent musicians from Pakistan enthralled the audience with Pakistani music during the opening ceremony.
The inaugural ceremony of the festival was attended by a large number of Chinese officials, intellectuals, civil society members and Pakistani community. The guests greatly appreciated the rich Pakistani cuisine and music.

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