Pakistan Study Centers
Confucius Institute in Pakistan
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Embassy College
Embassy of Pakistan Newsletter
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Message from Dr. Arif Alvi President of the Islamic Republic for Pakistan
March 23,2019
23rd March marks the historic day when the Muslims of sub-continent decided to unite in their democratic demand for a separate homeland, where they could establish and practice their lives in accordance with their values and traditions especially justice, equality, and freedom. Today, therefore, is an occasion to pay tribute to the struggle and sacrifices of our founding fathers and pledge once more to live up to the ideals that form the foundation of the idea of Pakistan.
Pakistan has surmounted unprecedented challenges and demonstrated resilience in the face of extra-ordinary circumstances. It has accomplished exemplary successes in fight against terrorism and extremism. However, there still remains the challenge of socio-economic development. We need to work even more for national progress and prosperity.
We are committed to democracy, justice, and peace. Given our human talent and natural resources, our potential is immense. We are destined to achieve the status of a model democratic state, as envisioned by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.
Let us have faith and remain united and let us commit to work hard with discipline to make Pakistan strong and prosperous. May Allah’s blessings be with us all.