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Statement of Spokesperson of Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Human Rights Violation in IOK
August 22,2019
Today is the 19th day of the total blackout and curfew in the Indian Occupied Valley, creating a famine-like situation for the entire besieged population. The Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir has been converted into the largest prison in the history of mankind. More than 14 million humans are incarcerated in their homes. The Indian government has stationed 9 lakh troops and the Kashmiris are denied access to any form of communication: cellular and internet services have been blocked. We cannot imagine the psychological and physical trauma through which the Kashmiris are going through, as decisions regarding their fate are being taken and they are denied access to any sort of information. Furthermore, the region is awaiting a looming humanitarian crisis as there is a shortage of food and medicines, which risks the lives of people, especially elderly, women and children. Kashmiris are being denied access to basic healthcare facilities, which violates their most fundamental right to life and well-being.
We impress upon the international community to take cognizance of the continuing blatant human rights violations by the Indian authorities in the Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir.
22 August 2019