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Statement by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Jammu & Kashmir at Human Rights Council
September 09,2019
Responding to a media question regarding remarks made today at the 42nd session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights about the deteriorating situation in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K), the Spokesperson noted with appreciation the following very important points:
a. "I am deeply concerned about the impact of recent actions by the Government of India on the human rights of Kashmiris, including restrictions on internet communications and peaceful assembly, and the detention of local political leaders and activists."
b. "I have appealed particularly to India to ease the current lockdowns or curfews to ensure people's access to basic services; and that all due process rights are respected for those who have been detained."
c. "It is important that the people of Kashmir are consulted and engaged in any decision-making processes that have an impact on their future."
The Spokesperson underlined that UN High Commissioner’s concerns and calls are consistent with the position taken by the UN system vis-a'-vis the human rights situation in IOJ&K including the continuing restrictions and crackdown on fundamental rights and freedoms of the Kashmiri people.