Pakistan Study Centers
Confucius Institute in Pakistan
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Embassy College
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Contact Us
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Beijing
Chancery Address: No.1, Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Post Code 100600.
Telephone: (Country code +86, City code 10) 65233504 or 65326660 followed by extention number. Consular section 65322721.
Agricultural Exhibition Center 农业展览馆
Liangmaqiao 亮马桥
Buses from this station:
95路; 302路; 402路; 405路; 421路; 499快; 499路; 516路; 671路; 672路; 675路; 701路; 夜30外
Agricultural Exhibition Center 农业展览馆
Buses from this station:
95路; 402路; 405路; 421路; 517路; 635路; 671路; 690路; 701路; 夜30内; 夜30外