Pakistan Study Centers

Confucius Institute in Pakistan

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Embassy College
Embassy of Pakistan Newsletter
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Juvenile Envoys Visit Pakistan Embassy College Beijing
July 10,2017
A delegation of Chinese students, organized by China Communist Youth League (CYL), visited Pakistan Embassy College Beijing on 10th July 2017, in order to mark “Embassy Experience Day”.
Chief Guest on the occasion was Ambassador Masood Khalid. Event was also attended by former Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Mr. Lu Shu Lin, Director General International Department (CYL) Mr. Wan Xue Jun and Mr. Jing Dong, Deputy Director of the Working Committee of the National Young Pioneers.
Welcoming the participants, Ambassador and lauded the efforts of Communist Youth League for taking this initiative. He said that Pakistan and China share a long and rich history of friendship which has been enriched over the years.
He stressed upon the need for such frequent interactions as part of the educational and cultural bridge, which is in the process of development. He emphasized the need for regular exchange of youth delegations between the two countries to create better awareness and appreciation of each other’s culture.
Mr. Lu Shu Lin shared his personal experience of living in Pakistan, and highlighted the positive feelings of Pakistanis towards China. He delivered past of his speech in Urdu in order to show solidarity with Pakistan.
Mr. Wan Xue Jun said that the aim of this experience is not only to promote friendship between Pakistan and China but also to give an international and multi-cultural exposure to the youth.
Event also included speeches, painting competition and cultural/musical performances by students of both countries followed by a question answer session. Event concluded with a Group photo.