Speech by Ambassador of Pakistan H.E. Mr. Masood Khalid at the SCO trip to Dunhuang, Gansu Province - Press Releases - Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Beijing

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Speech by Ambassador of Pakistan H.E. Mr. Masood Khalid at the SCO trip to Dunhuang, Gansu Province

July 07,2017

Honourable. Huang Qiang, Executive Vice Governor of Gansu Province
His Excellency Mr. Rashid Alimov, Secretary General, SCO
 Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
       Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share my thoughts today with this distinguished audience. It is a privilege to visit the Gansu Province, which has been at the crossroads of intermingling of different cultures and an important trade route on the fabled silk route.
      Yesterday we visited Dunhuang which has a world reputation due to its cultural richness and Buddhist caves and I am sure for all of us this has been a memorable experience. I wish to thank my hosts for their warm hospitality and friendship and congratulate them on successfully hosting the 23rd China Lanzhou Investment and Trade Fair in this beautiful city of Lanzhou.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
      The theme of this Forum is quite appropriate to promote pragmatic cooperation between Gansu Province and countries represented here.
       Pakistan believes in cooperative and collective approaches to peace, stability and development. Regional cooperation is therefore, high on our agenda. In pursuance of these goals. Last month, Pakistan formally became a full member of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) at the 17th Meeting of the Heads of State Council of SCO in Astana, Kazakhstan.
      The SCO gives us a powerful platform for partnerships to promote peace, build trust and spur economic development for shared prosperity. SCO's goals resonate with Pakistan's national ethos; and so do the core values of the Shanghai Spirit and the SCO Charter with our own quest for a peaceful neighborhood. We are grateful for the support extended for our membership by our SCO partners as well as the SCO Secretariat led by able Secretary General.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
        Pakistan believes its long term prosperity is inextricably linked to peace and development in our region. We need comprehensive approaches to regional peace, prosperity and stability. Pakistan supports President Xi Jinping’s vision of Belt and Road which is a model of inter-regional and intra-regional integration and connectivity based on the concept of mutual prosperity, respect and win-win cooperation. As it unfolds across regions and continents, it would entail massive economic dividends.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
        China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) which is a flagship project of One Belt One Road has given a new socio-economic development dimension to our already strong relations. CPEC is a vital strategic as well as economic bridge that connects the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and “Maritime Silk Road”. Located at the crossroads of Central Asia, Middle East and South Asia, Pakistan’s seaport of Gwadar, on the Northern Arabian Sea near Persian Gulf, is at the confluence of both the Road and the Belt. This port will provide easy and less expensive access to Chinese exports to regions of Middle East, Africa and Europe.
        Pakistan is fully committed to the successful implementation of CPEC. We are working hard to develop a conducive environment for its successful completion. Pakistan and China are “all weather strategic cooperative partners”. Relations between Pakistan and China are deeply rooted in history. This special relationship has blossomed over the years and developed into one of the model inter-state relationships in Asia. Pakistan will continue to work with China and its other SCO partners for greater prosperity of our region and to meet our common challenges through enhanced connectivity and communication. We will be prepared to promote and strengthen our cooperation with the Gansu Province and our friends here in China.
I thank you all.

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