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Statement of Pakistan at the 86th Interpol General Assembly on the question of membership of the state of Palestine in Interpol
September 27,2017
Mr chairman,
Pakistan supports membership of the Palestine state in Interpol. The application has been pending with the organization for over two years. During these two years, relevant bodies of Interpol have followed a comprehensive process and looked at this issue from all angles and considered its legal and technical implications. And today we also exhausted unnecessary delaying tactics.
Mr chairman,
The state of Palestine meets all prerequisites to statehood. It has been recognized by an overwhelming majority of the comity of nations. It has been a non-member observer state in the United Nations since November 2012 and of several international organizations. It is high time that Interpol joined these organizations in accepting a reality that has been denied for far too long.
We believe that the membership application of the state of Palestine is in conformity with the charter of Interpol. Any contentions to the contrary are incorrect.
The entry of the state of Palestine in Interpol will enrich the organization, make it more inclusive and provide Palestine an opportunity to add its voice to the deliberations.
We would therefore vote with great enthusiasm in favor of the membership of the state of Palestine.