The Joint Press Release of the Second Round China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Practical Cooperation Dialogue - Press Releases - Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Beijing

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The Joint Press Release of the Second Round China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Practical Cooperation Dialogue

September 27,2017

The second China-Afghanistan-Pakistan (CAP) Practical Cooperation Dialogue was held in Kabul from September 26 to 27. The dialogue was chaired by Mr. Mustafa Aria, Director General of Development Cooperation from the Ministry of Finance of Afghanistan, and was attended by Mr. Xiao Qian, Director General of the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and Mr. Mansoor Ahmad Khan, Director General of the Afghanistan Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan. Dr. Nasir Ahmad Andisha, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan met with the heads of the three delegations.
The three sides held discussions on the objectives, principles, areas of trilateral practical cooperation and identified specific projects of trilateral practical cooperation, and agreed to enhance coordination towards their implementation. The three sides agreed that the aim of the trilateral practical cooperation is to support the peaceful reconstruction and economic development of Afghanistan, to further strengthen the relations and to promote cooperation among the three countries within the "Belt and Road" and the Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan (RECCA) frameworks.
The three sides agreed to enhance communication, coordinate
China and Pakistan's assistance to Afghanistan on the basis of fully taking into account Afghanistan's priorities, carryout trilateral cooperation projects, gradually strengthen the mechanism building for trilateral cooperation, and to provide security for the trilateral cooperation projects. The three sides agreed that policy communication, infrastructure, human resources, livelihood building and people to people exchange are the five key cooperation fields, and will steadily promote concrete cooperation.
The three sides agreed that the next round of dialogue will be held in Islamabad. The exact dates will be finalized 
through diplomatic channel.

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