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National Security Committee Meets to discuss India’s Illegal actions in Indian Occupied J&K
August 04,2019
Meeting of NSC was held at PM Office on August 4, 2019, with Prime Minister in the Chair to discuss Indian actions that are contributing to fast deteriorating situation in IOJ&K.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Pervez Khattak, Minister for Defence, Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Foreign Minister, Brig. (Retd.) Ijaz Ahmad Shan, Minister for Interior, Mr. Ali Amin Khan Gandapur, Minister for KA&GB, Dr. Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Advisor on Finance, CJCSC, COAS, CNS, CAS, PM AJK, SAPM on Information, DG ISI, DG ISPR, Secretary Foreign Affairs, Secretary KA & GB and Secretary National Security Division.
Forum was briefed on India’s deplorable suppression of populace in IOJ&K, plans to use bogey of terrorism for political ends disregarding situation on ground, use of cluster munitions against civilians to provoke Pakistan and use of disinformation manoeuvre to confuse the real intent i.e. changing the demographic structure and the internationally recognised disputed status of IOJ&K.
Forum noted with concern India’s destabilizing efforts through dubious means. India having lost all moral authority in IOJ&K and sensing erosion of its belligerent stance at international level keeps resorting to illegal, undemocratic and inhuman measures that have resulted in huge loss of lives and property in IOJ&K. Recent buildup of forces and their brutal use against an unarmed population is adding fuel to fire.
The forum strongly condemned such Indian strategy at this time when Pakistan and the international community are focused on resolving the Afghan conflict. The recent Indian measures will increase the levels of violence and turn this area into a flashpoint and a destabilising factor in the midst of two strategically capable neighbouring countries.
The forum further noted that the more India is exposed internally and internationally in its machinations, the more there are chances that it may resort to desperate and risky options including false flag operations. Pakistan remains ready to defend itself against any Indian misadventure or aggression and will continue to provide all out diplomatic, moral and political support to the brave people of IOJ&K in their indigenous struggle to get justice and their right to self-determination in line with UNSC resolutions. Pakistan condemns Indian actions in this regard which would have adverse implications for regional and international peace. Pakistan reiterates that Kashmir is a long standing unresolved international dispute which needs peaceful resolution. Pakistan therefore urges India to come forth to resolve the issue in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.
PM AJK assured the forum that Kashmiris on both sides of LOC are determined to withstand Indian hostilities and fully trust Pakistan to stand for them through thick and thin.
PM Imran Khan in his remarks said that Pakistan will always stand with Kashmiris and will not be deterred from its just stance based on UNSC resolutions and aspirations of Kashmiri people. He said that India is totally disregarding international obligations and her arrogance will only result in heightening the conflict dynamics in the region. PM invited attention of world leaders and international bodies towards irresponsible, unilateral and irrational behaviour of Indian leadership. India needs to ensure rights of the people including those living in occupied territories and also to abide by its own commitments to UNSC.
PM concluded the meeting by reaffirming Pakistan’s resolve to respond to any Indian misadventure or aggression with full support of the nation.
4th August 2019