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Joint Statement delivered by Pakistan at the Human Rights Council on the Human Rights Situation in Indian Occupied J&K
September 10,2019
Below is the text of the Joint Statement delivered by Pakistan at the UN Human Rights Council on behalf of over 50 countries from across various regions regarding the worsening human rights and humanitarian situation in IOJ&K:
“Mr. President,
The worsening human rights and humanitarian situation in Indian Administered Jammu & Kashmir, especially following decisions taken on August 5, 2019, requires urgent attention by the Human Rights Council and human rights mechanisms. We share the concern expressed by the High Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Michelle Bachelet regarding the impact of recent actions on the human rights of Kashmiris.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), UN Special Rapporteurs in their joint press release of 22 August 2019, civil society organizations and international media have repeatedly expressed serious concerns about the unprecedented restrictions and on the continuous curfew imposed since August 5, 2019, curbing of fundamental freedoms, communications blackout and reports of wide spread torture, extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests, molestation of women, and enforced disappearances.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres in his statement of 8 August 2019 said that “the position of the United Nations on this region is governed by the Charter of the United Nations and applicable Security Council resolutions”. This position of the UN Secretary-General has also been corroborated by OHCHR’s Kashmir Reports.
Consistent with the UN Charter, Security Council resolutions, and human rights standards and international law, the international community should ask for:
a) Respect and protection of fundamental human rights of the people of Indian Administered Jammu and Kashmir, especially the right to life, liberty and security;
b) Immediate lifting of curfew, ending the communications shutdown and release of arbitrarily detained people;
c) Immediate halt to the excessive use of force, especially the use of pellet guns; Access of human rights organizations and international media;
d) Implementation of the recommendations of OHCHR’s Kashmir Reports including the establishment of a UN Commission of Inquiry to investigate egregious human rights violations;
e) Regular reporting by the UN High Commissioner for human rights on Jammu and Kashmir.
f) We also support a peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute through the implementation of the UNSC resolutions.”
Pakistan wishes to express its gratitude to the countries which became part of this Joint Statement in support of the people of Kashmir, reinforcing serious concerns of the international community about the unprecedented restrictions, continued curfew and curtailment of fundamental rights and freedom of the Kashmiri population.
Pakistan also appreciates the joint call by these countries for removal of restrictions, respect and protection of the Kashmiri people, implementation of the recommendations of UN’s Kashmir reports and peaceful resolution of the Jammu & Kashmir dispute through the implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions.
10 September 2019