Press Releases - Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Beijing

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A women delegation from the Embassy of Pakistan, headed by Madam Sonia Masood, wife of the Ambassador of Pakistan to China, visited New Day Foster Home in Beijing on 6th Dec 2016 ...Read More>>


Governor Balochistan H E Muhammad Khan Achakzai, who is on a Goodwill Visit to China from Nov 14-23, 2016, met H E Sun Jiazheng, Chairman of CFPD and Vice Chairman of 11th National Committee of CPPCC on 14th Nov 2016 ...Read More>>


​The Embassy of Pakistan hosted a High Level Women Delegation of entrepreneurs on November 11, 2016 This is the first ever women delegation arranged by Trade Development Authority of Pakistan on a visit to China, under the Directives of Prime Minister ...Read More>>


On the occasion of Kashmir Black Day, Embassy of Pakistan Beijing, observed Solidarity Day with Kashmiris on 28th October, 2016 ...Read More>>


The Ambassador highlighted the geographical importance of Pakistan as being on the confluence of Middle East, South Asia and Central Asia, the Gwadar Kashghar connectivity is not only beneficial for China and Pakistan, but also for the whole region...Read More>>


On behalf of the government and people of Pakistan as well as my own, it gives me immense pleasure to extend heartfelt felicitations to you and the people ...Read More>>


Special Envoys of the Prime Minister Makhdum Khusro Bakhtyar, MNA and Mr Alam Dad Laleka, MNA arrived in Beijing yesterday They are visiting China on the instructions of the Prime Minister to apprise the Chinese ...Read More>>


The Prime Minister s Special Envoys Mukhdoom Khusru Bakhtiyar, MNA and Mr Alam Dad Laleka, MNA, who are visiting People’s Republic of China to highlight the ongoing serious human rights violations in ...Read More>>


The Federal Minister for Railways Khawaja Saad Rafique together with Federal Minister of Planning Development and Reform Prof Ahsan Iqbal leading the delegation of Pakistan s Railways Ministry to...Read More>>


​Pakistan Planning and Railways Ministers meet Chinese NDRC Vice Chairman, meeting decides to hold JCC in November this year ...Read More>>


Pakistan s Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal meets CCIEE CEO Zhang Xiaoqiang, explores prospects of diversifying CPEC cooperation The Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reform Prof Ahsan Iqbal met with China Center for International Economic Exc...Read More>>


Speaker National Assembly of Pakistan, Sardar Ayaz Sadiq met with Vice Chairman of National People’s Congress Mr Ailigeng Yimingbahai,Governor of Xinjiang Autonomous Region Mr Shorat Zakir and Party ...Read More>>


Development and prosperity requires peaceful coexistence among people from different nations, ethnic groups, diverse cultural backgrounds and faiths therefore nations need more cultural interactions to ...Read More>>


The people of People s Republic of China consider the people of Pakistan as their best friends in the world This was stated by the Vice Minister of the Chinese State Administration of Press Publication Radio Film and ...Read More>>


The Minister for Culture of People s Republic of China Mr Luo Shugang met today Federal Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage Senator Pervaiz Rashid on the sidelines of the Silk Road International Cultural Expo being ...Read More>>

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